Bringing the Good News - rain, shine, sleet or snow! 


Should you chose to donate, thank you! Scott could not do this without the unwavering support of his community, and is honored to serve it! If you've been fed, and you choose to reciprocate, thank you! You're helping to pay our bills. Ways to participate include: GiveSendGo, Venmo, Cash App,  PayPal, Zelle or Deluxe eCheck (To use Zell contact us for further inquiry).


Please see below section if you're curious as to why we are a For Profit concern.


Cash App
How are donations used?


Any money sent will help pay living expenses so that Scott can preach, teach and disciple more people. Monies will also be used for ministry expenses so Scott can reach more people both geographically and digitally!


Many friends of this ministry have begged Scott to put his preaching and teaching and training online, and we are right now building a ministry website for that purpose. We are recording audio, video, and (in the future) printed media of dozens of teachings - which at least hundreds of people have told us have changed their lives! (We believe the numbers of people helped are now well into the thousands.)

  • It is simpler for us!

  • Jesus said, 'Give, and it shall be given to you, pressed down, shaken together, and running over shall men give into your [pockets].' This can apply to a lot of things in addition to mere finances. In context, it could lend itself to not judging, nor condemning. But it can be positive too, by giving good things to others, and receiving in return.
  • We haven't really seen where Jesus told the disciples to take up an offering, but we do see where He did a lot of giving of his time, teaching, energy, and finances.
  • The biblical Law of Giving and Receiving is a two way law. We've given at this point 1,320+ hours of preaching, teaching, discipleship, counseling and prayer. We believe at some point those who have benefitted spiritually will desire to bless us financially.
  • Believers should give as they purpose in their hearts. We acknowledge God may also lead or direct folks to contribute as well.
  • No one should ever give out of guilt, manipulation, or obligation, but only out of joyful desire to do so.

  • Lastly, we completly respect that some will not agree with this decision. God bless you, and thanks for visiting this site.


Special Thanks

I (Scott) never sought any of this. No plan, no vision, no prayer, nothing. This ministry happened because of how much distress and real harm a toxic Pharisee campus preacher was causing - all in the name of my LORD Jesus. I detest bullies, so I acted and the Holy Spirit's truth and love drove that fair weather Pharisee out of UNT. 

So many students, faculty, and staff have given to me! At first it was dozens and now it is  200+ who have given drinks, sandwiches, cookies, hugs, thank you, prayers, tears, testimonies, and especially verbally pleaded with me and exhorted me to 'put what you are doing on the internet!'

I'm doing that. However, that costs money, and the time spent takes away my ability to earn money otherwise.

What I've heard includes but is not limited to: 

"People need to hear this."

"This needs to go out to the whole world." 

"There's something different about what you're doing...and this world needs it."

"Oh my God! You just changed my life!"

"This is so powerful...I'm just speechless!" 

How Giving has Positively Impacted Us

We ourselves have experienced been blessed financially by giving to those who have blessed us spiritually. We have given in the past (and intend to going forward) to Andrew Wommack Ministries International for years, and experienced a strong uptick in our own finances, and very excitingly, we have seen a dramatic increase in the number and kinds of physical healings taking place, which continue to this day, FYI. This is our eyewitness experience. We urge you to investigate Andrew Wommack Ministries International, and Charis Bible College for yourself.

We make absolutely no such promises or guarantees of any kind that you will experience similar results.

Special Thanks

To every single person who has encouraged me to build a website and expressed how many more impact they feel I could impact - THANK YOU! I am inspired to share the word of Christ with even more people, and it is because of your encouragement and suggestions this site exists.

Good News Guy

If you would like to schedule Scott to speak to your group - and you are completely open to whatever the Holy Spirit chooses to do - reach out to Scott personally via social media or our email below.

© Good News Guy 2024